atleast you dont have to worry about the fcats over there... here in florida bush fukin approved the dumbest fukin type of test ever created.... its a test that they give you ever since first grade that tests your grade level. ITs bad enough that the whole teacher's curriculum is based on getting students ready for the test, but these people keep failing... and the fukin black people that skip about 99% of the school days complain to their parents cus they cant pass it. Now they got the Niggers Against All Caucasian People or NAACP in it trying to sue the government for not allowing the black people to graduate in time, saying that the test is too hard... I find that so wrong, especially since I used to skip school everyday and for some reason made it to take the test and I passed the first time with fukin good ass scores. Ok people check this out, they first give you the test in 10th grade its a tenth grade level test so it includes algebra and geometry the most basic and fundamental math courses, then they have some reading and writing... ok in tenth grade you get 2 tries to pass the test, in 11 3 times and in 12 5 tries.. thats 3 years counting 10th grade to pass the exam... if you need more time than that then you got seriouse problems....
didnt mean to be prejudice against any black people here...