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Old 02-23-2013, 06:15 PM   #1
Junior Member
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Age: 34
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Question Tips and what to look for on buying an FC?
Hey guys i'm supposed to be looking at an 88 rx7 tomorrow, not the turbo 2 but its still pretty decent in my opinion. I was driving around looking for cars and i found it sitting in a parking lot. I asked the owner of the store who's it was and he gave me the number to the guy who owned it. Apparently he moved to georgia and he couldn't take the car with him so he just left it there in case somebody wanted to buy it. Its been sitting there for about a year now and since i don't know much on rotary motors i need some tips on what to look for when i look at it. A friend told me i need to check the compression of the engine because apparently the motor will still run even if its blown. Any other major things i need to look at for an FC? Pictures coming soon if i get it, very clean. Thanks for the help.
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