Good on Grammar or not I make myself understand.
You are a RS "Puppet".
Who cares what you said...
Personally I can careless .
You are repeating words like a Parrot what Robert said already to promote his business and accusing me of lying.
Look these people from the RX7 also are lying like me :
Trader Score: (0)
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: calgary
Posts: 146 Terrible experience with Rotary shack. I would agree with the previous posting for those that have received their parts; it was a fluke.
I waited for 2 years to get my parts and got excuses ranging from I was away on holidays, He had Jury duty to having the gall to tell me he had sent the parts but they were stuck in customs(funny thing is he wouldn't give a tracking number). I finally flew down from Canada to Socal to get my 2500 dollars worth of parts. Upon arriving at Roberts shop, my parts were just sitting on his bench and he proceeded to show me around his shop and bragged about other orders he had not shipped. IE. A motor for a customer in Norway that had been waiting for their motor for a year all because he said he didn't like to ship parts he told me.
Oh and did I see a cent for my rental car, plane ticket, hotel or the prepaid shipping?? Nope, the best he could come up with is he told my buddy and I that Chatsworth county was the porn capital of the world and asked us if we wanted some dildos. True story...
Bottom line He is lazy, dishonest, Manipulative and no matter how the fit and finish of his products that doesn't excuse his lack of respect for his customers. He can rot in my opinion.
My 2 cents.
The Wankler
Trader Score: (14)
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Dublin Ca.
Posts: 3,589 Quote:
Originally Posted by JDMGtdriver
I wish I would have known this sooner, they suck ass he sold me two used NA S4 long blocks that had water seal leaks and apex seal carbon lock. Never deal with them...
Sold me a bogus T2 engine as well, and still owes me a 12a but I gave up on that one a long time ago.
Trader Score: (0)
Join Date: Mar 2009
Location: Jericho, Vermont
Posts: 116 to update everyone i took the carb apart yesterday because carb isnt running correctly with boost and the ammount of gunk and grime in it was un acceptable. the carb i sent him was spotless. the car was perfetly maintained and that carb i sent was brand new more or less. he sent me a completely diffrent carb and i have a feeling my good carb is sitting on his shelf...
Trader Score: (3)
Join Date: Aug 2007
Location: Phillips Ranch/Pomona, Ca
Posts: 555
I filed a BBB report with his company and waiting for results..RX8 and two S4 long blocks both crap and came from him...lets see how it goes
Trader Score: (1)
Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: Canada, Ontario
Posts: 263 paid for a gsl-se gas tank since october 10 & haven't received it yet. numerous phone calls to him but never got back to me.
never again rob @ rotaryshack.
.....and many more..
This is my advise to you Kid:
Is not late yet since you are born here don't get stuck,You can do better.
Get you Bachelor or proper degree and be someone in live.
you have the time yet, I tell you this because I have 2 nephews younger than you and they both have Master degree already.