I trusted you my car and you scammed me...That happened don't come and start change things around ..... Why I have to make it up...?
I'm the customer Your actions don't help you.
Perhaps I'm not speak good english but at least I make my money in a good and honest way.
You already have a good reputation
scaming People thats its been proof in the rx7club.com and you been Banned as a Vendor.
No company that is in business acts like yours.
Are you accepting Crediit Cards now..? Or you still accepting cash and paypal only..?
Since You are born here as American Why don't go to the University and take some Business Administration classes.. and get you degree ?
So you know how to do
manage your business
About The case we had with you You agree to pay then you didn't pay or try to be smart.Thats why we have the Judgment against you .The JUDGE gave it to us.
If you want your answer go and asks the Judge directly .

Whatever you do... Remember the Judgment is a
Public Record. I believe it last 10 years.
FYi everytime you put something... you hurt yourself ....Not me I'm a person you are the owner of a want to be business... don't you get it ..do you..?
I believe people are not ignorants here.They know whos is right and whos is wrong
Even the moderator from the
RX7 club came here to Uncover you.
About the money I lost....Remember what I told you in the RX7 Club long time ago that I will post my experience that I had with you .. So no other member will suffer or loss money with you
Think How much money have you lost already ..?
Maybe Its more than the money you owe me ....