Originally Posted by TENAZ
I don't want to come here and start wasting my time talking what happened on my car in the past,But remember:
1.- Your Friend charged me for a porting Job he never did and he charged me $600 I believe. Right there is Fraud. 
2.- He took off the OEM ECU from my car wihout my authorization what do call that..? 
3.- FY Information my car was not be designed to be Track Car.
(This is the excuse that Robert tried to use and teach you) 
No matter what he said or you said.Thats my true and someone that cheats never will get a good business.
You can promote,advertise,refer,help RS None stop you doing that.
Is worth it..?
You are not going to teach me lessons on HP cars.
I know how to take care of them.
I drove HP cars when you even were born.
I do enjoyed driving my FB,FD and my STI and I know you live once not Twice.About the money I loose already on this case no matter money come and goes.All this Is about right and wrong Thats all.
ok Tenaz , let me enlighten you with short, simple facts, not gibberish hearsay
1 this statement would be called hearsay, not fraud by any means... just because someone else told you your engine was not ported does not mean that in actuality that is was not ported. I can attest that your engine was in fact ported without any doubt! I have pictures to prove it and you were present in those pictures, and i have a expert witness also present in those pictures that will concur that the motor was in fact ported! your engine was not stock in many ways, !!
2 if you recall you had your other mechanic remove the engine before delivering it to Rotaryshack for the new engine to be installed. The original engine, ecu, wiring, AC, radiator, oil cooler, and power steering were gone when your car arrived , this is a fact! i have pictures of how the car arrived to my shop. another fact is since you were converting from EFI to a carburated system using the factory distributor there would be no reason for the factory ECU so why you brought this up is completely irrelevant. a factory GSL-SE ECU is almost worthless.. and completely useless in your application.
3 You are correct, your car was built to be a street car, with quick spool up, low boost and good throttle response that was to be driven on pump gas. this is why your engine's porting was very mild.. Your engine was ported but by no comparison a big port compared to what a track cars porting would have. why don't you understand this concept? another fact. the race cars i build win highly competitive races and set records.THERE IS A REASON FOR THIS!!
i will end this reply with a few links that you should read, and please , go to night school and take some English classes. it was your choice to move to the USA, please respect it and learn to read, comprehend and write properly..
and lastly, you state your not interested in money, just the truth . or what i like to think(my opinion), the warped sense of truth you might actually believe.... however your actions speak louder than your words....it seems like your always ranting about monies you state are owed to you and all the comments you make in any thread you post in are not factual, nor do they help the public accurately and truthfully ...
do you understand what i am saying? A public forum is there to help people, in one way or another. i have supported the rotary community for many years by providing accurate factual technical information saving many rx owners money in diagnosing as well as preventing them from buying parts they didn't need. free, yes at no personal gains, simply a helpful service to the community.. a concept that i don't think you will ever understand sadly....
still waiting for an accurate factual reply to post #13 that you did not directly answer with facts. please answer the questions . thank you