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Old 12-01-2011, 07:04 AM   #5
Scott H.
Junior Member
Join Date: Dec 2011
Age: 43
Posts: 1
Originally Posted by Shaggy View Post
This forum is to help you out on tyring to sell your car. Please make sure you post enough information about your car, from type/year of the car, how many miles it has and the condition of it. Please also try to post pictures of your car.

Be sure to post your asking price and NO Ebay link whatsoever... no exceptions, or post will be deleted.

Thank you.
Does this include links to Craigslist or other non-RX-7 forums? I have a FC race car for sale, and I have it posted on forums dedicated to the SCCA class it was built to compete in, for the purpose of independent validation of my price, given the unique attributes the car has. When I created my thread, it did not appear in the forums. I'm wondering if that is the reason why. I'm happy to play by the rules, so if I broke a rule somewhere, I promise that it was not intentional. Just trying to be as informational as possible.


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