Thread: bad altornater
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Old 10-11-2011, 05:40 AM   #3
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Ill give it a shot tomarow.I started it up after I charged the battery it starts and idles like normale but im sure if I took it down the road and put some load on it again it would start sputering again! the volt gauge reads exactly 12volts when its running and isnt it supost to be like 14 volts when its running?It was at like 10 volts on the drive home from the gas station when it was lugging it self along if the altornater is bad would putting more load on the engine make the volts drop? couse that would explain why they were as low as 10 volts when I was trying to clim that hill.

I wish I was drifting right now!

Last edited by sidewaysFC; 10-11-2011 at 05:43 AM.
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