Thread: So close !!!
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Old 09-19-2011, 03:25 AM   #5
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well I took the upper intake off and made sure I scraped all the old gasket off and I put some of that brushabul gaskit stuff on it so theres no way im going to have a vacume leak there and im pritty sure I dont have any vacume leaks any were else but I fired it up and it still sounded way louder then it should be and its back fireing like someones shooting a 22 behined the car and its building up sum black stuff on the bumper and smoking like I just started it after it was flooded or somthing. it will stay running as low as 1000rpm now after I fixed the gasket thats with me holding it there with the gas pedal it wouldnt stay running below 2000 before I fixed the gasket so i think that helped a little bit. but it still sounds so bad I dont even feel very comfterble leting it run up to operating temp to see if it will idle.also the gas is very old like so old that its orange and smells bad I dont know if that would be the problem but im draining the tank and puting new gas in it here soon.besides that I cant think of anything that would make it run like that besides the timing or something any ideas im almost out of ideas

I wish I was drifting right now!
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