Thread: So close !!!
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Old 09-12-2011, 06:24 AM   #3
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ok pulled it down the road 2 day with my friends truck poped the clutch fired up no prob. but it wouldnt stay running even after I got it wormed up and I had the idle screw all the way up so I figured it mite be because if the timing because it was shaking alot so I tried advanceing it want to start it and it flooded then my fuel line started to leak so I had to take off the upper intake to replace it when I put it back on I fired it up and it was realy loud back fireing and ran like shit I had to keep the padle hafe way to the floor to keep it running so im thinking like it has a big vacume leak some where or somthing

I wish I was drifting right now!
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