Thread: help please!
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Old 09-09-2011, 08:50 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Dozer View Post
i had an 87 that did the same thing, usually was caused by starting and not letting it warm up before i turned it off. I have an 89 now so i dont have that problem anymore.

If it keeps happening though this is what you'll wanna do.
1. pop the hood
2. Pull EGR fuse
3. try starting while flooring it for at least 30-40 sec's
4. Replace fuse, should start right up

Good luck
Yes your 89 can flood also. Even the Rx8's suffer from this phenomena. Your 89 model car is equipped with fuel cut when you floor the gas pedal. There is no need to pull the egi fuse to deflood it. Hold the pedal to the floor, crank for 10 seconds, pause for 10 seconds, repeat 10 times, then start normally.

In the 86-88 models they did not feature this option. Pulling the EGI fuse, remove the plugs, and pumping oil or atm into the rotor housings is sometimes required.

Frequent flooding as you experienced in your 87 model is a possible symptom of low compression in one or both housings.

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