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Old 09-01-2011, 06:36 PM   #1
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Join Date: Sep 2011
Age: 32
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Default Thinking about getting a rx7..
Hello I am new to this forum as well as rotaries.. I have always been into rotaries and the possibilities with them.

I am thinking of getting a second gen rx7 as a weekend project car. not a DD
I have a 2008 4dr si as a DD

I have a few questions about the rx7 though..

-which engine do i get? i hear all this stuff about 20b and 13b..
i get confused haha

whatever I get i want to turbo it haha..

Now whats the difference between bridgeport and pershport? ( I KNOW I SPELLED THAT WRONG PLEASE DO NOT FLAME)

the only thing i know about about rotary is how to maintain them..

well lets start with that first question and then i'll ask some more.. I am still a college student and still paying off my si. but i should be able to get it sometime next year . I want to do things RIGHT.

I was going to build the si. but i like it the way it is and as a DD and all the space it has.

I want the Rx7 as a fun street car and see some time attack time.

any ways.. hopefully everybody on here can teach me a few things about the great rotary =]
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