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Old 05-12-2011, 12:14 AM   #2
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Originally Posted by Jipstar View Post
I'm a new owner of a lovely example of an rx7:

I have several questions to ask to other experts on Rx7's. MInd you, my rex has hit 70,000miles. It had an engine rebuild 3000miles earlier. My big concern is the engine, and how to maintain it.

1. How much il does the rex actually consume?
2. Does the rotary engine like hard accelleration?
3. Does the rotary engine love high revving?
4. Does the rotary engine like revving in neutral?
5. What can I do to so I can expand the life of my engine?
6. What is a big no no to do to a rotary engine?
1. From Royal Purple "rotary engines will consume oil of one quart per 1000 – 3000 miles."

2. Ask yourself this. Does any car really like hard acceleration? Any type of hard driving will induce extra stress to parts. So yes you can drive the car hard, but I wouldn't suggest it on a regular basis. If the intention for this car is to be a track car then you need to expect that you have to pay to play & things may break when competing.

3. As our cars are know to have high revving motors, this doesn't mean to stay in the upper RPM's. The type of competition/racing will determine your build & your rev range.

4. What would be the need to rev the car while in neutral? Why unless you just want to hear the motor rev & waste gas sitting still.

5. You want to get the most out of your motor, then don't drive the car in any fashion other then normal driving & keep your maintenance up on the car. Competitive driving will again add extra stress & reduce the life of the motor as well as other parts.

6. Do not ever let your car overheat! Things will not end well if the car does overheat.

So with that congrats on the purchase.

Supercharged or Turbocharged, Boost is Boost
Big Body on 335's!!!!!

Last edited by BoostedFC; 05-12-2011 at 12:17 AM.
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