Thread: Aux ports mod
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Old 03-13-2011, 12:54 AM   #1
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Default Aux ports mod
I'm putting an open exhaust on my 88 GXL NA and I modded my ports to run off the air pump, but I cant get them to work right. I put a hose running in to the air pump to ACV hose and sealed it with silicone. That's running to a straight valve. That's hooked up to the vacuum line that hooks up to the port nipple, but when I rev it up the actuators don't move. I'm pretty sure they're supposed to move when there hooked up to the air pump and you rev it up right? I put some grease on the actuator rods and took it down the road then floored it and when I got back the grease was smeared up to the top of the rod. So they're working when I'm driving. The power band moved up slightly, all my power used to start at 3300rpm but now my power hits at like 4000 rpm if pictures would help I could send some with my phone just give me your number. Please help I don't want to have to wire them open, I like my low end torque and that would use more gas. The valve is not dumping the air externally by the way it's all an enclosed system.

Last edited by BoostedFC; 03-20-2011 at 02:05 AM. Reason: hard to read original post.
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