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Old 11-13-2010, 09:13 AM   #8
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Originally Posted by AusTexRex View Post
An NA rx7 would beat a v6 base camaro.
It wouldn't beat a z28 or SS though.
A stock TII rx7 will waste any base camaro, driven correctly beat the z28, and will not stand to an SS.

With the same amount of money.. say 2 grand invested into all of the cars, the TII comes out on top.

Take the overall money spent on each cars, equalize them. And the TII again blows away all.

Example: An SS can run up to around 40 large.
My TII in perfect condition was less than 2.
38 grand into my car = fast beyond words.

End of story. Tell that the next time some punk ass STi kid talks shit about your car.
z28 and ss are the same just has a different hood and springs, i would know....i've owned both and a trans am ws6....all the same thing.
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