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Old 09-15-2010, 04:14 PM   #6
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black rocket
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Originally Posted by bradsfd3c View Post
its the battery and i think its just fuel left over fuel.. from the last drive. how do i get it out b4 i shut off??
Ok, injector itself is a "solenoid valve" and what is a function of solenoid valve? It opens & closes it by demand. I hear and read so many ppl claim it's a left over fuel and it really makes me wonder about their mechanical knowlege.

Now, back to injector/solenoid valve. If it's working properly injector should be closed when it should and opens when it should.

However, due to contaminants in the fuel that escaped inadequate filteration system affects injectors' function by having injector left open, in turn, flood!

So, you probably can figure out now that "left over" fuel has no bearing on improperly functioning injectors that causes flood.

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