Thread: New Members!!!!
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Old 07-03-2009, 03:22 PM   #110
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Lethbridge, AB
Age: 38
Posts: 1
Hey there! I'm Sean and I live in southern Alberta. Don't own an RX7 yet but I'm looking at one again so I'm reading my ass off.
The car I'm hoping to get is a turbo FC, an 86 i believe. 50 000kms (a little over 30 000 miles) on rebuilt engine, nearly new suspension, exhaust isn't stock but I can't recall at the moment what exactly was done. Has an SAFC2. Some other stuff maybe. I'd have to look it up.

She's real purty though, and I'm thinking will be a bit more fun than my little S10. My last sports car was a modded 94 Eagle Talon TSi so I'm no stranger to cars that need a little more care than the average.

I love cars that have their own little cult/community so I'm very excited for my first rotary
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