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Old 06-19-2005, 05:22 AM   #1
Join Date: May 2005
Location: santa rosa, ca
Posts: 34
Default MY CAR'S ON FIRE!!!
ok, not really but check this out. My car smokes.....a lot. i've been told it's time for a rebuild but i'm not convinced, here's why. i get absolutely zero smoke until at and above 4500 rpm, compression checks out fine, i'm not loosing oil, i'm not loosing coolant, and the car pulls as hard as the day i got it. anyone got any ideas? catalytic converter? egr valve? bad gas? any response at all would be helpful because i'm at a loss and so are the local rx7 guys. thx

Proud student of Wankels School for Drifted Youngsters.....if anyone wants to put that on a t-shirt send me one.
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