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Old 09-25-2020, 12:20 AM   #1
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Default New to carburetors and rotary's. Can't get this car to start
Hello, I bought an 81 RX-7 in January of this year ran when I bought it. a couple of months ago it stopped running on me. On that day I was driving it around town and it started shaking real bad and died on me at a red light. I had to crank it about 3 times before it fired up again, I drove it home and it hasn't run since. I replaced the spark plugs, spark plug wires, fuel filter, and fuel pump and tested the starter(which passed). Starting to think it is a vacuum leak or something to do with the air system but I'm not sure. The previous owner did some funky stuff with wiring but it seemed to all have to do with the climate control he said he also just changed the clutch. Please give me some advice I've been reading the chiltons repair guide but can't figure it out Thanks!
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