Thread: recipies
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Old 06-18-2004, 04:36 AM   #1
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Default recipies
i dont know if spelt that right but whatever lol. so yeah, whats the favorite thing you guys like to eat that you can cook? or whatever else. i have a very simple one. all you need is chicken breast, a egg or two and italian style bread crumbs. besides that some salt and pepper is good too and some motzerlla(sp?) cheese.

first i crack the eggs and put the stuff in a bowl and add some pepper. then put the bread crumbs in a seperate dish too. i get the chicken breast and any thick ones i dont like i cut thinner. then i place the breast in the eggs and really soak and move it around to get a lot of the egg covering it. after that i put it in the bread crumbs, make sure it is covered good and just for fun put it back in the eggs and then back in the breadcumbs, lol. i then fry em for a few minutes each since they are thin. and just before they are done and u dont need to flip em over again i put the cheese to let it melt a bit then put it on the dinner plate. i add a bit or salt later if i want. and there you go. my favorite dish ^_^
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