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Old 06-01-2004, 10:49 PM   #5
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the economic theories bush came up with are horrible, the country is in debt now when we started with over a 5trillion was it? i 4get if its billion or trillion, bah whatever it was a lot and now we are in a deficit, i think our money supply dropped 11 trillion with bush's plans and spending. you cant blame the war in iraq though because the money didnt come from there but for all the other spending bush has done plus his tax cuts only bring the nation into more debt. didnt bush promise not to touch the 2.5 or 2.4 (again im forgetting my figures but it was a lot im sure of that) for the SS fund that clinton had set up? but within the first year of bush being in office he spent that money. sure his tax cuts look great for the average joe, but if u do the math who is really earning the big end of the cut? just about the top 20% of the richest people in our nation are keeping just about 50 or 60% of thier taxes now instead of paying it while the rest of us the 80% left have only a little left to divide for the rest of the americans. bush is helping the rich get richer and the poor stay poor. also what about the death tax, i 4get the technical name for it, but thats just the laymans term for it. bush took away that tax saying poor american farmers who will inherit the land once thier parent dies or whatever will have to pay such a large tax that they might have to end up selling the farm to pay off the tax, he said this also applies to small business owners too but yet that has never happened. there is always some way around that if you cannot pay that tax because of financial situation, and in most cases if u are poor enough you dont even have to pay it at all. but remember this also applies to big business' too, so lets say the son or daughter of some multi-billion dollar company that is ridiculously rich, such as bush too had to pay this tax which could mean millions or billions of dollars for them to pay when they inherit the business. since bush took away this tax that took away money which was ment for the gov and the people of america and the money was kept in the pockets of the rich while the less big business owners and farmers taught they were saving too, but actually that tax would rarely affect them in the first place. dont forget about bush taking away taxes from shareholders too i could get more into that but im lazy to explain how, and also companies with an offshore mailbox such as enron for a good example wouldnt have to pay billions in taxes because bush also had millions saved from paying in taxes with the same method. another bad thing about bush is that more americans now do not have jobs, there is a lower unemployment rate than there was durring the great depression. more and more americans now do not have healthcare coverage and most americans coverage is getting so expensive they can barely afford it, or have to cut the coverage because of that. what happened to improving the education system in the united states? hell in new york you will notice big differences between the schools in highclass neighborhoods with a low poplulation and a bigger building than the schools in the ghettos with a larger population, over-crowding, smaller buildings and underfunding. how can a public school in a highclass area afford paying for all new computers, new equipment and books while all the schools in the poor areas stay poor and are getting worse year by year, and dont tell me no because i been in public school and my parents work in differnt schools too. schools get funded by the ammount of students they have for what they need. so obviously to put it simply a school with more students should get more money than a school with a lesser ammount of students. i really think bush did horrible, just the economy the way it is now is doing bad, i dont know about your family's but if you come from a poor family like my family it just gets harder and harder to afford everyday life now.
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