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1rotor 09-22-2005 05:57 PM

Flooding problem
I am about to buy a 2nd gen. The only problem is it wont start. I think the engine is flooded, if so how do i unflood. this is just from what the sller told mw btw, and if i can get it started he will knock a good 300 of the price.....

my1stfc 09-23-2005 07:38 AM

if it won't start i'd tell him knock more than $300 off the price. have you tried pulling the egi fuse under the hood and cranking it for 5 or so seconds, stopping and replacing the egi fuse? try to start again right away.

1rotor 10-28-2005 05:22 PM

plz forgive my ignorance but i no nothing of the fuses. that being said which is the egi fuse?

AusTexRex 10-31-2005 05:15 PM

open the hood and look at the fuse box up near your battery. The EGI fuse should be the fuse that is closest to the passenger side of the car. Pull it out, turn the car over for about 15 seconds (maybe more depending on just how flooded this baby is) put the fuse back in and fire her up.

fc3sboomspin 11-04-2005 01:14 AM

wrong, not closest too passenger side, grab the 2nd one in from the passenger side, the green one. crank it for about 6 secs. then replace the fuse, then turn over and it will start. if it doesnt then you need to do a comp check.

1rotor 11-04-2005 10:31 PM

thanks will most definitly try this.... now about how much should i actually be paying for this car in its current condition?

fc3sboomspin 11-06-2005 08:41 AM

if the body is in good condition, prolly like $1000, only about $800 if the body is shit though.

AusTexRex 11-08-2005 05:36 PM

They're both EGI fuses. Pulling either one has worked for me in the past. However he is a little bit more right. Pull the EGI fuse to the injectors.

bd180 05-13-2008 11:18 PM

If you still have problems starting, push start it, or pull the fuel lines, then crank, then put them back, and try again. For future use after you've got the car, installing a fuel cut-off switch would be the easiest way to go.

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