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INfAmoUs_rOtARy 02-22-2005 02:56 AM

rotary engine!!
ok, how much is it for a decent 13b engine? i don't plan to hook it all up myself (i know it's cheaper that way, but i don't have tools to put it all in the engine bay). so how much would the engine be, the labor for the machanics, and the time to put the engine in?? i live in the bayarea ca. i can't seem to find a shop around here who is a pro in the rotary engine. so for prople in this forum that live in the bay area, if you know a shop around here that knows how to install a 13b engine, then hit me up. thanx.

black rocket 02-22-2005 03:32 AM

Are you referring to a rebuilt or what? What does decent mean?

I've seen 13B classified from $500 needing seals to $4K

Is it a 13BT? or N/A?

You can contact Atkins Rotary for their selection of stock engine... www.atkinsrotary.com

And here's one mechanic near you. you might want to give them a call...

320 Fairview Ave.
Brentwood, CA 94513
(925) 516-7382

INfAmoUs_rOtARy 02-25-2005 07:50 PM

hey thanx
thanx a lot man, i should've been more specific about it. well i'm looking for a 13b n/a, and what i mean decent is also by meaning used. well actually how much do you think it would be for a new and used? i just need a guesstimate price. so i would at least have something to plan. so yeah man thanx for those sites, it'll give me something to learn off of. i really appreciate your help. thanx again

dRuNk-mEdIc 02-25-2005 07:55 PM

I've seen them run from $1,500 but thats turboed. Try www.rx7trix.com www.rx7store.net www.pineappleracing.com .They might have something like an N/A for like $1,300 maybe? Correct me if I'm wrong

black rocket 02-25-2005 10:15 PM

I know a guy selling N/A right now for $600.00 but, it's not rebuilt.

Canaduh 02-28-2005 04:54 PM


They sell 13b Turbo's for $650 Comes with tranny, I couldn't tell you tyhe shipping or anything, They're located in canada i believe. But they have the cheapest price for many engines i have seen. They almost sell front clips and such, and most of there engines have 30,000miles or less. Go check out the website.

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