Rx7 Forum and Owners Club

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Jay 03-31-2004 11:14 PM

Where is everyone from? Any car clubs?
I'm from Baltimore, MD. Part of a car club based out of Gettsyburg, PA.

Anyone else?

2ROTORMOTOR 04-09-2004 10:49 AM

Down here there are afew rotary clubs. ok well only 1 club.... but I unfortunatly donot belong to it since I dont have my stupid car running. But there are a few around maybe we can get some people in here from the different places to represent.

Shaggy 04-10-2004 01:54 AM

That is a good idea...but who is here...the forum has 50 members and only maybe 5 that post regularly.. :D That always seems to happen..:D

Hollywood 05-03-2004 10:38 PM

dallas, "D-town" for those who speak E-bonics

Forsakenrx7 05-04-2004 02:10 AM

GA in the house. Lets just Athens, GA. Cause its close and noone knows where the hell Monroe is.

AusTexRex 05-04-2004 03:24 AM

From austin, TX.. obviously. We've got a few rotary clubs. TexasRXs is the one I'm part of; I've been planning the state wide rx7, protege, and miata meet for late summer 2004 for like 2 months now.

RotorHead 05-04-2004 04:15 AM

Originally from Salt Lake, UT where there was a sweet Rotor Club...but I left them all behind when I moved to this butt hole town Abilene, TX. Miss the good times :cry:

domesttuner 05-06-2004 07:37 AM

Gainesville, FL, and i am in a club we just call "The CLUB", like it is the end all be all of car clubs. lame name, but cool nonetheless.

mar3 05-06-2004 09:19 AM


Originally posted by Hollywood

dallas, "D-town" for those who speak E-bonics
Yo, dawg, it's Big D for the gang bangers... 8)

But I spend all my time in Arlington these days...go Rangers... :roll:

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