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.z 03-05-2004 07:02 AM

New engine

I have a freind that is getting an engine rebuilt. The engine will be returned ready to drop in. I am looking for a list of parts that should be replaced at this time, including sensors, harnesses, mounts , lines etc. Also, I need a recommendatin for where to order these Mazda parts. The local dealership is incredibly expensive. Thanks in advance for the response, and this is of course for a 3rd gen.

Darrell P

Shaggy 03-05-2004 06:15 PM

Nice of you to join .z,

Well, have you searched on the net? There are some good places out there but they usually have a high shipping cost.

What type/size of engine is he rebuilding? That will be a helpful thing to know when searching for the parts you need.

Let me know.


Hollywood 05-08-2004 01:38 AM

all the hoses, vac lines, coolant lines ect.
might as well change the water pum and thermostat.
basic tune up stuff, plugs wires ect.
maybe the clutch, its always easier with the motor out
also inspect the motor mounts. (I know a guy who makes solid mounts kit)

2ROTORMOTOR 05-08-2004 02:49 AM

solid mounts suck... just make sure all the vacuum hoses are in good condition, I also wanted to say that if he doesnt know what he's doing then he shouldnt be involved in installing the engine... 13brew is a very conplex engine, there are tons of solenoids required for running the sequencial setup... so im just hoping he knows what he's doing..

AusTexRex 05-08-2004 06:07 PM

.z replace all of the vacuum hosing, replace the belts, replace the vacuum caps, replace all of the hosing in general. Change all squeeze clamps to screw clamps because squeeze clamps are entirely useless. Change the oil once it's in. drive for a day or two, change the oil again, finish out 2 or 3 weeks, then change it again. Don't wail on it yet.

Hollywood 05-09-2004 04:09 PM

whats wrong with solid mounts? I noticed a big difference with them, smoother on the hwy, the car is much more responsive and .2 off 60 ft.

AusTexRex 05-09-2004 07:12 PM

You must've had terrible mounts before that then

Hollywood 05-09-2004 07:34 PM

they were about a year old when I replaced them with the solids

AusTexRex 05-10-2004 12:21 AM

Hmm, what type of material were the previous ones?

Hollywood 05-10-2004 01:32 AM

stock from mazda

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