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obbn 09-11-2011 04:56 AM

Fuel Delivery Problem
Hello Everyone,
Hoping someone can lead me in the right direction. I have a 1985 GSL-SE that unfortunately I haven't been able to drive in many months due to a back injury. I go out weekly and start it and let it run for about 15 minutes to keep the battery charged and the fluids circulation.

I went out last week to start it and no luck. I looked at the gas gauge and it was on dead empty. Strange I thought as I knew the gas was getting low, but I didn't think it was that low. Went got some gas and so far have put about 4 gallons in. The gauge hasn't moved at all, although I would think that 4 gallons would be enough to register. I also thought that since I moved it out of the garage onto the driveway that it could be the cause as the driveway has a slight downward slope to it. Pushed it into the garage (all the while making zoom zoom noises from the drivers seat) and still no movement in the guage. I have never had a problem with the gauge before, has always worked properly.

Anyway, gas is in and still not getting her to fire up. I have never had a problem in 6 years starting, always has started on the first try except an occasional flood, although I don't think that is the case here. My first thought is that I am not getting fuel. My neighbor came over and helped me take a look. His first question was do I hear the fuel pump come to life when the key is turned to ACC. I told him I have never recalled hearing it come on and with my electric fans running when the key is turned I can't really hear anything else.

So, to confirm if the fuel pump was working we pulled the gas line where it enters the chamber and we did see gas in the line, some ran out and we collected it in a cup. We then held the line over the cup and turned the key to both ACC and to bump the engine over one time. Zero fuel flowed from the line. This indicated to me that my fuel pump has failed, as I think that when the key is turned to ACC some fuel should be forced through the line anticipation start up, also when the key was turned to "bump" the engine fuel should have flowed as well.

The questions I have is:

1: Is my theroy and initial troubleshooting sound?

2: What next? I don't own a guage to check the fuel pressure so what should be my next move? Fuse or wire possibly? I don't want to just start replacing parts in hopes of discovering the cure. That can get expensive and isn't the correct way to go about it anyway.

Any help or a point in the right direction would be greatly apprecitated.


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