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sidewaysFC 04-18-2011 02:44 AM

random question
just a random question way back in july when i was still trying to get my blue rx7 running and the new engine I had just put in had a lot of problems . I had just put a new water pump on it and I was testing to see if it was still over heating and it just started to have a fit it wouldnt stay running unless I had it at full throtle and even when it was at full throtle it would just kinda jump around any were from 1700 to 3000rpm the only thing I could think of that would couse that is a massive vacume leak but I cant see one just poping up like that .any who I gave up on it for the time being and just let it sit and bought my black rx7 but I plane on rebuilding my blue rx7 In june probably and i would like to know what would couse it to do that.

BoostedFC 04-18-2011 05:40 AM

Have you checked all your vacuum lines? Start with operation of the AWS, Fast idle cam, TPS and thermowax, BAC valve per the FSM procedures.

sidewaysFC 04-18-2011 12:03 PM

whats fsm again , I plain on rebuilding the old engine and redoing every aspect of it im going to be puting like 3500 in to the moter its going to be a drift car .and is the wax thermo pellet something I can replace wile I have the upper intake off.

BoostedFC 04-18-2011 09:08 PM

FSM is Factory Service Manual. About the thermal wax in the throttle body take it off the to get to it.

sidewaysFC 04-18-2011 11:01 PM

wait wheres the wax pellet located isnt it in that aria above the dash pot behined the tb were the rear iron to tb coolent line goes and those to vac lines hook up.

BoostedFC 04-19-2011 12:28 PM

The hose from the rear iron supplies the TB with coolant, which heats up the wax.

sidewaysFC 04-19-2011 10:06 PM

Thats what I thought!

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