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-   -   Can anyone tell me how to bleed the brakes? (http://www.rx7forums.com/forum/showthread.php?t=2266)

rx7Noobie 03-25-2011 01:58 AM

Can anyone tell me how to bleed the brakes?
1989 RX-7 GXL,.... Anyone..?

black rocket 03-25-2011 08:33 AM

Use DOT3 fluid

Have you ever done it before?

First, check all brake related lines for bulges or cracks and feel it making sure lines are sound.

What I would recommend is to replace your brake fluid as you don't know when it was done last.

Get a plenty of DOT3 fluid and ALWAYS start bleeding furthest wheel, passenger rear, then go on to driver side rear, then to pass front and do the driver side front.

Put a clear tube to the bleeder screw and stick the tube into a jar with a bit of brake fluid and make sure the hose-end stays below the fluid level.

Pump your brake and loosen the bleeder screw. It's always nice to have someone pump brake pedal and the other one open & close bleeder screw.

Make sure you always supply fluid into master cylinder as you go on.

Have someone pump the pedal few times then you open the bleeder screw, then have a person maintain pressure on the pedal. You tighten the screw.

Repeat the above process until you won't see ANY BUBBLES comes out of the hose that is dipped below the fluid level.

After the process make sure to tighten them screws.

Have fun!

rx7Noobie 03-26-2011 10:25 PM

Ok thanks a lot im gunna try this tmrw, but one more thing can u tell me how to change front brake pads? Lol

BoostedFC 03-27-2011 03:05 AM

You should really pick up at least a Haynes manual, it will help you do basic stuff like this.

rx7Noobie 03-27-2011 04:00 AM

Lol sorry i ask u guys questions before i look it up on google myself, im jus gunna look it up now.

proudrx7ownrr 03-27-2011 10:31 AM

Those manuals are great....you can replace almost anything on your car with the haynes. There are a few others I believe one is the chilton manual. If you are able to get them both you will be in great shape. Usually if one doesn't have a picture of the part or isn't detailed enough the other will be. I had no mechanic experience and still replaced about everything on my 86 crx when I was 17 just from using those books.......great investment.

BoostedFC 03-27-2011 09:34 PM

I have a Haynes & Chiltons for all the vehicles I own. I also have two Mazda work shop manuals they were around $180 each, but worth it IMO. One is for a 1988 & the other is for a 1989.

BTW Noobie it's cool man.

rx7Noobie 03-27-2011 10:24 PM

Today i found where the bleeder screws were at but i didnt have anyone to pump the brake for me -_- tmrw im gunna try n find someone to help me n go buy some plastic tubing from home depot or something

black rocket 03-28-2011 05:09 AM

Good to hear! don't get them brake fluid on the paint surface...

rx7Noobie 04-01-2011 08:13 PM

I did it!, but my dad said i only need to bleed the front brakes because when i did my suspension the guy disconnected the front, but i bled the front right then after that i tryed the brake and it was perfect.., so i just put the wheel back on and didnt do the front left is that ok?

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