Pgentry |
03-06-2011 03:37 AM |
UGHH there goes the injectors
so whenever i would start my baby after it has sat for 3 or so days its idle noise was very strange, it would kick and sputter till it warmed up about 21 degrees Celsius, then it would calm down and sputter into the noise we all know and love of our 13b's make. it was few and far between that it would happen so i wasnt tooooo worried, but it was still unsettling, but it was today i started her up and she kicked and sputtered and it sounded even worse than ever, then i got a horrrrible whiff of gas. i immediately threw her up on the jack and rolled underneath. i rolled under the subframe, looked up, and was almost doused with go juice. i backed her out and took her to my near by trusted shop that always helps me out with probs i cant take care of myself or that i cant post here because im freaking the fuck out haha. so i take her down the road pull into their lot and one of their guys are waitin for me outside. they immediately throw her on the lift and my mech lets me know my (i believe) primarys O ring is blown *sniff* *sniff* 3 days without my baby:(