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marshall 08-03-2004 04:00 PM

The Things You Own, Will End Up Owning You.
It all started on Thursday afternoon when leaving work. Like always I was driving my car home, when it suddenly died. Rolling to a stop in a gas station, i got out quick to check the engine bay. Saw that my EGI fuse was blow out (controlling the fuel injectors). So, I walked down the street to the local auto parts store and bought a new 30A bus fuse. Got back to my car and put the new fuse in. Turned the key to "on" and the fuse blew. Knowing I had a short somewhere off that fuse wiring, I called a tow truck to have it towed to my mechanic's shop (Marvelspeed). Called Don at Marvelspeed told him it was on the way up there, got the OK from him and sat and waited for the tow truck. About 30 minutes later, the tow truck finally came. A little side note humor, this was the same driver and tow truck i've used 3 times in a row, the tow truck driver Craig got a kick out it. Anyway, we got the car loaded and headed out to marvelspeed. Got to Marvelspeed at about 7:30 pm on Thursday night. Droped the car off in the parking lot and left it. Gave Don my key, told him what happened, that I wassn't in a rush to have the car back, to just take their time. He told me that he wouldn't mess with it until tomorrow morning anyway. So they just left the car there in the parking lot for the night. The car was never touched. Told them bye, and a friend met me up there to take me home. Got home around 8:00 pm that night. Did my normal thing, took a shower, brush teeth ect. And went to bed EARLY, because I was so tired. That was the last good feeling I had, was going to bed early...

1:30 a.m. I hear my cell phone ringing. I woke up, looked at the face of the phone and it read, "Marvelspeed". A million things going through my head at once trying to figure out why they would be calling me this late, I knew it couldn't be good. I answered, "hello?". To which they replied, "Marshall? You better get up here..." I responded, "ok, why?" David said, "I'd hate to tell you this, but at 12:30a.m. we got a call from the fire dept. letting us know they had to break into our gate to put out your car that was on fire." I literally droped the phone in shock and responded, "you've got to be kidding me?!" He replied, "i wish i was man...you gotta get up here." I then rushed and got dressed and told my dad i was heading up there and the reason why. He was just as shocked as I was and went with me. Traveling at speeds no less than 100mph we got there in 20 minutes. Only to find the remains of what was left of my once beautiful RX-7. It was an electrical fire. Still not sure where the short came from, but it was wierd. They didn't even touch it, the car had sat there since the tow truck dropped it off. Don and David at marvelspeed, working on rx7's for at least 30 years now, never seen anything like it. Either way, a spark from somewhere got very hot on a short, on the left side (pass side) of the engine bay, starting a small fire. Right by that was the coolant resivoir. Now, I don't know if yall know anything about coolant, but it does burn, and it burns HOT. After the coolant burned it was all down hill from there...

My car was technically paid off. No bank loans or anything, I bought it from a friend and was paying him monthly. Therefore i didn't 'have' to have full coverage. I only had liability and insurance isn't giving me anything on this. Within the last 4 months i've invested more than 4k in this car, not to mention i just got all door dings removed and the whole car repainted. And now it's all gone, down the drain. Not only that, but I still owe my friend around 8k for this car, that I can no longer even drive. Just remember, The things you own, end up owning you. This is my story, don't let it happen to you. If you have anything memorable to you, never let the higher price of full coverage turn you down. Take it, and cherish it. My car is gone now, and I'm still not over it. Wish me luck...pictures of the car are below.



black rocket 08-03-2004 04:12 PM

Marshall, sorry to hear and see the loss. Accident or Rex caught on fire?

Either case, hope you are OK.

marshall 08-03-2004 04:24 PM

I edited it with a lot more details...

black rocket 08-05-2004 03:10 AM

That's bad, Marshall.

Hope that "short" wasn't arcing and ignited the fuel.

How was your battery prior to that?

marshall 08-05-2004 02:14 PM

No fuel was touched. My battery was brand new, Odyysey drycell. I literally had it for about 2 weeks.

black rocket 08-05-2004 04:32 PM

OK, other than 2 blown fuse, what was the out of the ordinary symptoms of start or performance?

I know it's too late to talk about it, but that's kinda weired especially (seems like) primary damage is at about pass side by the rad :shock: .

I'm no expert in FDs but, I really don't think any fuel related components/lines existed in that ara.

AusTexRex 08-06-2004 02:41 AM

I'm so sorry... I'm about to cry, I loved looking at your car

AusTexRex 08-06-2004 02:42 AM

On a side note, how old was your positive battery cable, how many cables did you have coming off your battery, and did you have any grounds?

dub-c 08-11-2004 01:48 AM

haha, i got owned by super glue today. but wait, i used it to close a cut, so i didnt get owned ! i win.

AusTexRex 08-11-2004 03:58 AM

A. Lot's of super glues are toxic.
B. what does that have to do with... well... anything?

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