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dRuNk-mEdIc 02-27-2005 03:30 AM

Scary night.....10:45pm....chased my ass
Well I was going to my mom's from jacknthebox when I see about 3 Civics w/ altezza's, big muffler tips, vynils, and over done bodykits parked in a lot. So I go into the parking lot where they are and I get out and take a good look at there rides. The number 1 guy says you like mah new altezzas, I responded in a manner that sounded so nice, it sounded like I liked civics. Number 3 guy says what u riding, I respond, "im riding, and I calmy say, an RX7 thats completley stock". Out of the blue number 2 guy says im a ricer for picking a fast and furious car, I sputter out a grusom laugh and he gets in my face(I guess he didn't relieze that the fast and the furious cars were 45 percent hondas). So I ask him to pop his hood, he does so. I saw an AEM intake, some headers , and an exhaust and thats about it. I saw the vynils, aem stickers, bodykit so, I take it they mostly put the money towards there exterior. So I say is that it, he responds and says no he opens his doors and I see some Nitrous Oxide. He says hes running a wet . I saw some racing seats,LCD screen, amplifiers, custom stiching etc. The scary thing was I saw a 9mm in the backseat at that point I got really scared.

Then number 1 guy says why don't you two race for some cash? I say no because my mom is expecting me to arrive at her house w/ my stepfather. They start saying come'on, 1 race and he pulls out $150.00. I say I dont got the cash. He then says how much you got, I said I have $65.55 in my wallet and $2 dollars in between the seats if you want to go search for that. He says lets go $65 dollars and I say ,No again. He pulls out knife and says lets race bitch. So I calmy give him the money and we pull up to the red light. (Im racing the 2nd guy the one thats in my face).

So we get to the light and he starts revving and as I do to. Red turns to Green and we're off. I get 2 or 3 car lengths infront. I shift into 2nd and it gets to 4. Then I see him pulling on me Hmmm (Nitrous?),and I get into 3rd and it's 1 n a half car lengths. He then pulls right next to me and turns hard and turns back as if he were trying to hit me.I was startled first the knife then this I got sick of his shit so, I shift into 4th and slamed the gas and left him in the dust. The next light was red and he starts swearing and stuff and all I do is laugh, I stay at that light listeing to him bitch his friends pull up and bitch to. Then he said I used Nitrous at the end LOL. I said its stock my friend. Then I said, im loving those altezzas how much hp do they give you and give me my winnings. They start swearing again and the guy on my right that I was racing gets out of his car and takes the SAME knife and starts pounding on my car and telling me to get out (what a moron), as that happend the other two guys get out and run to my car. Now I know its getting bad. I floor it and get out of there.

Now as I'm running they start there cars and chase me. All of a sudden Its an intersection at a red light with a cop on my left turning (I should of went with him) It turns green and I floor it, In the back I here them, I look at the rearview, and then lane I was in, turned Red. The number 1 guy in his civic hatchback is going about 50mph infront of everyone, he then skins a BMW that was going about 10mph when it was the BMW turn to pass. He starts rolling and rolling so as a smart civilian I turn around and see what happend. His two buddys help him out of his car, they look at me, and I smile :) they scream F*** U. I floor it and was on my way to my mothers and stepfathers house.

My mother asked me why I was so late I told her that it was busy at jack in the box :oops: . I'm done for street/drag racer for a good month :? I got soo shook up that I felt like I needed to help or call the police. Well I dont know what to do now. Im going to calmly stay away from these kinds of people and try to be safe. Im not going to sell my baby never. I learned a valuable lesson don't pick fights if you dont got the proper armour :) :wink: . I prayed to god that I would be alright and that was my night :shock: I ALSO DIDNT GET MY 65 BUCKS UGH STUPIED RICE.


dRuNk-mEdIc 02-27-2005 03:46 AM

This was yesterday by the way

AusTexRex 02-28-2005 11:14 PM

I'm all for racing, I'm all for beating civics but someone could've gotten hurt, even if the one hospitalized isn't you that's just not cool.

dRuNk-mEdIc 03-01-2005 01:05 AM

Yeah man I felt bad I try and go to the track and get my power there :) . More fun hanging out with people there :) .

Canaduh 03-04-2005 06:02 AM

Glad your alright. :D

GO GET YOUR 65 BUCKS BACK! Come back with a bunch of italian mob guys, and get them to bounce around on their civics. HAha.

black rocket 03-04-2005 07:18 AM

That's wrong.

Canaduh 03-04-2005 06:58 PM

Lol i was just kidding. Sorry :(

AusTexRex 03-05-2005 10:26 PM

Just kidding about what

Canaduh 03-06-2005 09:46 PM


GO GET YOUR 65 BUCKS BACK! Come back with a bunch of italian mob guys, and get them to bounce around on their civics.
I was just kidding about that.

black rocket 03-07-2005 02:19 AM

You know... that's bull shit!

Kept your $65.00

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