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rx7Noobie 04-13-2011 08:20 PM

Gotcha, also can you possibly tell me how to install a short shifter.. I jus bought one off ebay which hopefully fits but i read some cars you have to go underneath the car and take some screws out and this thing didnt come w instructions -_-

BoostedFC 04-13-2011 09:48 PM

Well sorry, but I'm going to be lazy here & not explain how to install your shifter. I will provide you with a Youtube link that should be good enough for you get the idea.


rx7Noobie 04-13-2011 09:53 PM

Saw that i just need to know if theres screws under the car i have to unscrew b/c i saw instructions on honda civics and s13's you have to unscrew stuff under the car

BoostedFC 04-13-2011 10:09 PM

It's done through the top, Im pretty sure that in the video the guy demonstrates this. Unless I linked a different video then what I remember.

rx7Noobie 04-13-2011 10:33 PM

Idk hopefully there no car work neccessary, in the video it starts with the assembly already off, but i guess i cant do it today cuz i think ur supposed to clean out where tje shifter is n put new differential oil

sidewaysFC 04-14-2011 12:16 AM

Isn't back fireing on a rotery engine uselly the result of an open exuhast or a defective acv?

BoostedFC 04-14-2011 06:33 AM

The factory rich conditions mixed with an open exhaust and an incomplete burn thus a backfire.

Noobie I was hoping you figured out that taking out the factory shifter was just a reverse of what he did to install the new. Just repeat the process in reverse. it's obvious that you first need to remove the shift knob, then the shift boot & shifter surround to access the shifter itself.

rx7Noobie 04-14-2011 05:48 PM

Yeah i tryed installing it yesterday but i didnt have enough time its like a puzzle i think i can figure it out, anyway im tryna find a chip now idk about the rtek but i found this on ebay what do u think..? http://item.mobileweb.ebay.com/viewi...003454&index=6

BoostedFC 04-14-2011 06:29 PM

Looks like typical Ebay junk sorry man. I would not buy that, but it's your money. Also I'm sure you will not find any product support from anyone other then the seller if they even can help you.

rx7Noobie 04-14-2011 06:38 PM

I was gunna say dyno test it, can you give me a direct link to any chip i can use for my car?

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