Rx7 Forum and Owners Club

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AusTexRex 06-08-2004 06:35 AM

Noone has every confirmed that it sood for Rotary Experiment. But that is the general consensus. Find a good 2nd gen, learn the ins and outs, then buy a 3rd gen. Going straight 3rd will be a huge headache, and you will love your 2g just as much, I promise.

willjs7 10-13-2004 02:02 PM

hey, heres a little info about myself. b/c im pretty new here and i don't know anyone on here really. My name is Andrew, im 16. Ive been working on/tuning cars for almost 2 years now. My older Brother will got me into it. We used to build DSM's. Right now i drive a 95 civic hatch with gsr swap and tons of bolt ons and a 99 prelude bone stock daily driver. My brother got a 94 supra tt for getting a scolarship, and im on the verge of something new so my mom is giving me some cash to spend... so 3g here i come.

dub-c 10-20-2004 02:56 AM


Originally Posted by willjs7
hey, heres a little info about myself. b/c im pretty new here and i don't know anyone on here really. My name is Andrew, im 16. Ive been working on/tuning cars for almost 2 years now. My older Brother will got me into it. We used to build DSM's. Right now i drive a 95 civic hatch with gsr swap and tons of bolt ons and a 99 prelude bone stock daily driver. My brother got a 94 supra tt for getting a scolarship, and im on the verge of something new so my mom is giving me some cash to spend... so 3g here i come.

interesting, where do you get the money for that stuff :roll:

Shaggy 10-20-2004 06:21 AM


Originally Posted by dub-c

Originally Posted by willjs7
hey, heres a little info about myself. b/c im pretty new here and i don't know anyone on here really. My name is Andrew, im 16. Ive been working on/tuning cars for almost 2 years now. My older Brother will got me into it. We used to build DSM's. Right now i drive a 95 civic hatch with gsr swap and tons of bolt ons and a 99 prelude bone stock daily driver. My brother got a 94 supra tt for getting a scolarship, and im on the verge of something new so my mom is giving me some cash to spend... so 3g here i come.

interesting, where do you get the money for that stuff :roll:

Sounds like it's from his parents....which is cool. I had that same luxury till I was 18.....then no more free rides for me.. :D

Canaduh 10-20-2004 08:47 PM

Parents never would buy me a car, they said if i dont spend my own earned money on it, and they bought it for me, That i wouldnt treat it with respect, and expect another when i wreck it.

fcdriver 03-16-2006 11:13 PM

Hey, how's it going.
Just decided to sing up after seeing a thread on automotiveforums made by FDTT.
Little about myself? Total jackass, out and out idiot, and..well that about sums it up. No pictures of the car yet but I'll try to snap a few tomorow when I put my acc cable on.
The car itself is a 87 GXL with a turbo 6port just begging to to get blown. 3" racing beat down pipe to a 2.25" catless cat to a 2.5" ypipe to stock TII mufflers, I know up down up down but I'm working on it.
If the motor holds a few dyno passes and runs down the track and some solo II Then I might have to upgrade the snail and run a stand alone to hurry the process of explosion along. :twisted:

TII 03-17-2006 12:58 AM

My fahter bought me my first car :P 1988 Honda Prelude 2.0S, what a pile of junk it was. But it got me around, good on gas, adn alot of good memories were in that car. IT was definetly a good first car, learn alot about driving from that thing. :P

TII 03-17-2006 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by fcdriver
Hey, how's it going.
Just decided to sing up after seeing a thread on automotiveforums made by FDTT.
Little about myself? Total jackass, out and out idiot, and..well that about sums it up. No pictures of the car yet but I'll try to snap a few tomorow when I put my acc cable on.
The car itself is a 87 GXL with a turbo 6port just begging to to get blown. 3" racing beat down pipe to a 2.25" catless cat to a 2.5" ypipe to stock TII mufflers, I know up down up down but I'm working on it.
If the motor holds a few dyno passes and runs down the track and some solo II Then I might have to upgrade the snail and run a stand alone to hurry the process of explosion along. :twisted:

Thats me :D
Glad to see you have joined up. Pass the word on :D
And your not a jackass, those are the Rx8 owners LOL JKJK

cocoy0212 08-28-2008 06:41 AM

What just bought my 94 RX7 2 months ago. Its completely Stock and only had 24k when I a bought. Had a 350Z, but totalled it(not my fault, I got hit). The FD was my first love. I wanted this car before the 350Z, but I couldn't find one in good condition or stock, but now i have it. I'm from Chicago. First, I don't anything about rotary except its a tiny ass engine, but its powerful as hell. So if anyone has any advice for me, thank you in advance. If anyone makes fun of me for not knowing anything about rotary, Eat $hit and Go to H3LL in advance. Thats why I joined this site, to know about RX7s. Peace Out.

black rocket 09-10-2008 05:23 AM

Congratulations! A proper maintenance and TLC will keep you away from lots of headache.

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