View Full Version : BB2k5 the meet at Englishtown nj

02-18-2005, 04:46 AM
Well as someone trying to put this together and io woudl liek to extend the invitation to the rx7 world. This is more of a feeler to see if we can get enough people together to get Englishtown together. If you are interested please post on the site below. Thank you and I can garentee it willbe a lot of fun.

As of right now the role call is listed below and I hope to boost these numbers. After all we all know that people tend to have other plans when meets come around. I would encourage everyone to invite their friends and family. I was also wondering if you guys and girls would think it would be ok to invite possibly the other mazda and related cars(MX3, Miata, Rx7)?

I would also like the people locally to see if there is any sponsor interest in that region, maybe like autozone, carquest, restaurants, or any other businesses. The more funds we can get the better time we can have. I would also like to encourage venders including, pmo, solari racing development, racingmazda, MBX, probeaddiction, czt, extremeperformance, etc… it would to have prices on top of the trophies and winners possibly having there cars in the annual calander(if they will let us .

The plan for the event depending when Englishtown, NJ can have us in July, is the track and show and if they have it open and available there new road course. I am currently writing them an email to get possible dates. Since the location is close to the beach it is planned to stay close to the beach and drive there in the morning. I am thinking this could be a 3 to 4 day event in which we might get the track Friday and Saturday, Sunday all day at the beach or cruising and Monday shipping off. It would be cool to have a dyno there if anyone has any connections.

If there are any ideas, questions, or comments please post and try to be as helpful as possible. I would like to get the big guns out there to see who puts up the real numbers. You can contact me through im or pm on aol at jpatanio or email me directly at [email protected].

The thread will be weekly updated (hopefully) at http://forums.probetalk.com/showthread.php?t=1701144630
Please link this so that everyone will find out about this possibly very fun weekend. Oh and if the moderators could sticky this it would be great.

The role call:

From Canada
Koala8998 (mx6.com)
Ripclaw (mx6.com)

Megamx6 (mx6.com)
MX6_VTECH (mx6.com)
Chaos311Clarity (mx6.com, probetalk)
Dweigand (mx6.com)
Steecity6 (mx6.com)
GTTRacing91PGT (probetalk.com)
SimonTuffGuy (probetalk.com)

Shortcut10467 (mx6.com)
Fel0ncod3 (mx6.com)
MX6livinlarge (mx6.com)
Zythum24 (mx6.com) possibility
Goatcrap (mx6.com, probetalk)

Mazda6guy (mx6.com)
Malcom2073 (probetalk.com)

DeucesWild (mx6.com)
MX6 M-Edition (mx6.com)
Guy2626c (mx6.com)
DissedentCivic (probetalk.com)
Littlemissfordprobe (probetalk.com)
Bcor (mx6.com, probetalk.com)
PGTred95 (probetalk.com)
Shadow001 (probetalk.com)
Laymil (probetalk.com)

Mazguy (mx6.com)/ jpatanio (probetalk.com)
230-Sean (mx6.com)
MrksWmn97 (probetalk.com)
Dreaminthemakin (probetalk.com)
Youngea (probetalk.com)

Mardarati (mx6.com, probetalk)

Heather (mx6.com)
skarpenz (probetalk.com)

Prnstr4life (probetalk.com)

Neal (mx6.com)
Dave (mx6.com)