02-07-2006, 03:33 PM
My brother and some guys are starting a business and they'll pretty much do anything...the main thing that happens at the shop is they deal with the clear bras by 3m scotchgard...heres the link to the site right now these protech the car from rocks and things that fly at our cars on the road. this stuff is really nice i've got a chance to see it myself and see how it is, you can barley tell its on the car and it doesn't fade the paint or leave anything scratches like a vinyl bra does this stuf fis so strong you can key the stuf fon the car and it won;t leave anything there. they've tested this stuff with bebe's getting shot at it and all it leaves is just a little ripple where it was and leaves nothing on the car. i'm redoing the site so that everything they do will be on there. they do everything from Painting, bodywork, engines, suspension...including airbags, bodydrops, stuff like that for the mini truck people, window tint...pretty much anything you can think of.
If anyone is interested in ANYTHING Please let me know! Thanks
If anyone is interested in ANYTHING Please let me know! Thanks