View Full Version : 1988 Tranny problems?

12-02-2014, 05:06 AM
This is my first post on here. This is my story. My uncle got a minty 88 RX7 from my other uncle who took pristine care of it. It was beautiful. The second uncle, did not take care of it as well, so it is now looking rough with a few dings, and he is really rough on the shifters. He replaced the transmission a couple of years ago because it went out on him, and it happened again last night. I got a call saying he was done with the car, and if I wanted it I could tow it from the side of the road, otherwise the state would impound it and he would not claim it. SCREW THAT I said. So here I am, stuck with a neat little RX7. He said he was cruising home on the interstate in 5th, but heard a popping noise and he lost power. He said the only gear that works is 4th, and got nothing in any of the others. My question to you guys is has anyone ever heard of anything like this? I've heard of trannys going out, but not only one gear working (specifically 4th). I dont wanna scrap it, because its a cool little car. It has 54k miles on it.